Austrains 81 Class Diesel Locomotives
DCC Sound Installation with Light Modifications

Now available with our NEW Remastered Custom Sound Project
including "Full Throttle - Drive Hold" feature

About the NSW 81 Class
The 81 class are a class of diesel locomotives built by Clyde Engineering, Kelso for the State Rail Authority of NSW with a total of 80 locomotive built between September 1982 and February 1986, to replace the ageing 1950s vintage 42 and 44 class locomotives as well as provide additional capacity. The 81 Class locomotive commenced service on 29th October 1982.
The first 40 were based at Broadmeadow Locomotive Depot to operate Hunter Valley coal trains, while the remaining 40 were concentrated on the Main South line between Sydney and Albury, hauling both passenger and freight trains. The final 15 of this batch were also equipped with V/Line radios, and from July 1986 operated in Victoria through to Melbourne.
In 1991 a further four locos were built for the then Freight Rail by Clyde Engineering, Kelso to handle their growing freight business by using spare diesel engines, alternators and other parts held in storage plus reconditioned traction motors from the withdrawn Clyde –GM421 Class Locomotives.
In 1994 saw the delivery of the 90 Class Locomotive and from then the Broadmeadow based units were released to replace older locomotives on other freight duties. This saw their operation extended up to Brisbane and Broken Hill.
In the mid-1990s, some later locomotives were leased to National Rail. These were later exchanged for 13 of the earlier locomotives, which were permanently transferred to National Rail for use as high-power shunters around Australia. In February 2002, all these locos were reunited when National Rail and FreightCorp were both sold to form Pacific National in February 2002.
In February 1999, the 81 Class began operating in South Australia when FreightCorp won a contract to haul brown coal from Leigh Creek to the Northern Power Station in Port Augusta.
As at February 2013, Pacific National still operated 83 locos, primarily in New South Wales.
On the 11th March 2007, one loco was written off following a derailment near Forbes and remains the only loco to be scrapped.
DCC with Sound and Light Modifications
In August 2014, Austrains released their model of the NSW 81 Class Locomotives which included an 8 Pin socket for fitting a DCC decoder plus space in the chassis for two 23 mm speakers although during production assembly, wires were placed through the provision for speakers making the installation of the speaker difficult without re-directing the wires elsewhere. There are three micro switches under the model at both ends of the fuel tank for turning the numberboard and ditch lights on/off in DC. In standard DC/DCC, all lights will operate directional.
For this DCC installation, we recommend the ESU LokSound 5 (Sound) with our remastered Custom Sound Project for the NSW 81 Class or the LokPilot 5 (No Sound) for those not wishing sound.
We offer a light modification for the Austrains 81 Class to separate the lights for a more prototypical operation
Standard factory lighting in the model has all lights “ON” in the direction of travel, requiring just 2 function lighting outputs in DCC.
Upgraded from the factory standard 2 to either 6, 8 or 10 Function lighting outputs with the DCC Solutions light modification where we will separate all the headlights, numberboards, white markers lights, red markers lights and ditch lights for individual DCC control to provide you with total prototypical lighting operation when running your Austrains 81 Class model. Directional light control will still be available.
Unlike ESU/SDS Models factory sound which uses 2 sound slots to operate the lights, our light modification does not use any sound slots for lighting, so all the 10 sound processing channels are available to play sounds when using all the lighting, so you will get the full sound experience all the time.
The DCC Solutions NSW 81 Class Custom Sound Project
is packed with sounds and features not found on other sound decoders,
especially factory fitted sound
Factory Fitted Sound only offers you the very basic sound
So why not get fully featured sound from DCC Solutions
Our Custom Sound Project now includes these fantastic features:
Custom Built NSW 81 Class Sound Project
This is not just a basic factory sound project but a completely custom-built sound project by DCC Solutions that contains recorded sounds with customised sound programming plus extra features that will make your NSW 81 Class Austrains model a uniquely, impressive driving sounding with prototypical lighting operation loco that will turn heads!
Full Throttle – Drive Hold
This feature allows you to simulate a hard-working loaded train by pressing the F1 function button. When the button is pressed, the motor will remain at a constant speed, while the sound can be controlled independently by adjusting the speed on the throttle, so this can simulate a hard-working locomotive. This exciting feature gives the operator the ability to have the loco crawling in notch 8 or coasting at 100 km/h along the track. Release the Drive Hold function button, and you simply go back to throttle-controlled speed, motion and sound. Available only from DCC Solutions, our Drive Hold will stop your loco when you reduce the speed to zero, even while the function is still active. Your ESU factory sound or sound from other providers will not stop your loco at speed step 0 with the drive hold switched on, which can damage your model because you ran into something.
Coasting On Demand
This feature allows you to enter coasting mode whenever you want with a press of a button. Often, when coming to a stop, the throttle of a real locomotive is put into idle and the locomotive coasts to a stop. Another situation that occurs is that once a train is up to speed when operating over rolling countryside, the driver can coast to maintain a certain speed. By pressing the coast function button, the sound drops into coasting and remains there. Using the throttle speed control, you can now speed up or slow down the train, with the sound remaining in coasting mode. Press the function button to exit coasting, the sound will return to the speed that's set when exiting.
Working Brake
Press the Brake Function button, and your locomotive will come to a stop at a much shorter distance than if you were to bring it to a stop by reducing the throttle speed. Release the brake and your locomotive will move off again, or choose to have it remain stationary when the brake is released. The brake can also be used while driving to slow the locomotive up.
Working Dynamic Brake
Apply the Dynamic Brakes and the Prime Mover will wind down to idle and slow up, then the Dynamic Fans engage to assist with cooling. Reduce the throttle, and the decoder's dynamic braking logic will reduce your speed faster than normal. Disengage Dynamic Braking and the primer mover will return to it's notched speed and the fans will turn off.
Brake Squeal on Deceleration
Activate this function and when you reduce the throttle speed, your locomotive will begin braking and slow up quicker as you continue to lower the throttle speed, and you will hear the squeal of the brakes. Accelerating will release the brakes.
Random Start-up Sequences with Move Off and Stopping Sounds
Now, with random start-up sequences, your start-up and shut down will not always sound the same.
As your locomotive begins to move off you will hear the sounds of brakes releasing with random speed activated wheel squeal, rail noises and other sounds. Some of these sounds are random or speed sensitive that will turn on/off automatically depending on your take-off speed. When the locomotive comes to a stop you will hear the squeal of the brakes, air releases and then the compressor will cut in automatically to fill the reservoirs with air until full and will cut out.
Remastered Horn Sounds
New remastered NSW Nathan P5 playable and short blast horn.
Random Sounds
While the factory fitted sound will only offer you 1-2 random sounds, DCC Solutions will have up to 10 random sounds that will play when either the loco is stopping or moving, to create even more realism to running your model.
Manual Notching
For those who really want to drive their train and manually control the notching rather than letting the decoder do it.
And includes all these great features to make your Austrains 81 Class model drive and sound impressive
NSW 81 Class EMD 16-645E3B Turbo Custom Built Sound Project
NSW Nathan P5 Short Blast and Playable Horn
Random Start-up sequences, including Automatic Hot or Cold Engine Start
Air and Brake Release Sounds when loco moves off and stops, including Brake Squeal
When the loco stops after braking, the compressor cuts in to fill the reservoir and will turn off when the tanks are full
Speed sensitive Wheel Squeal and Rail Noise when the loco moves off
Full Throttle Drive Hold - Lock the loco speed and control the sound independently to simulate a heavy loaded or empty train
Coasting On Demand
Working Brake to bring your locomotive to a stop even when Full Throttle Drive Hold is active, unlike other ESU sound files
Proper Working Dynamic Brakes: When activated, automatically slows down with Dynamic braking, cooling fans operate
Directional Coupling and Release with brake line release plus auto active shunting mode to reduce the speed of the loco
Stop & Drive Random Sounds including fans, compressor, rail noise, track wheel squeal, air releases and more!
NSW 81 class compressor
Wheel Squeal
Brake Squeal on deceleration and off on acceleration
Guard's Whistle
Manual Notching - manually control the notching rather than letting the decoder do it
And more (See below for full list)
Modified Lighting Option for more prototypical light operation
Low beam to High beam Headlight operation
Motor settings tuned for slow speed performance, perfect for shunting
Sound volumes tuned to specifically suit the Austrains 81 Class Locomotive Model using the DCC Solutions speaker
Play 10 different sounds simultaneously
Individual sounds slots and master sound volumes can be adjusted by the user to suit personal requirements
DCC Solutions High Performance Dynamic Speaker producing fantastic sound
Full function button remapping to suit your personal requirements
This Sound Project is also suitable for other brands of 81 Class Models
Standard DCC Installation: Non-sound decoder with no lighting modifications
Premium Sound Installation: ESU LokSound 5 sound decoder with our Custom NSW 81 Class Sound Project-No light modifications
Premium Sound Installation and Light Modification: Upgrade to 6, 8 or 10 Function lighting outputs with the DCC Solutions Light Modification to separate all lighting for individual function control on your DCC throttle, plus our ESU LokSound 5 Custom 81 Class Sound Project
DCC Solutions SOUND and FUNCTION Labels
Premium Sound Installation and Light Modification using the ESU LokSound 5
F0 Directional Headlights
F1 Full Throttle Drive Hold
F2 NSW 81 Class Horn
F3 High Beam Headlight
F4 Dynamic Brake
F5 Coasting on Demand
F6 Brake
F7 Brake Squeal on Deceleration
F8 Prime Mover Start Up/Shut Down/Mute
F9 Front White Markers On/Off
F10 Rear Red Markers On/Off
F11 Rear White Markers On/Off
F12 Front Red Markers On/Off
F13 Directional Marker Lights
F14 Numberboards On/Off
F15 Fan
F16 Compressor
F17 Coupling /Uncoupling + DCCS Shunting Mode
F18 Wheel Squeal
F19 Guard's Whistle
F20 Sanding Valve
F21 Volume Fader - Reduces Sound 50%
F22 Front Headlight
F23 Numberboard Switch - Front_Front+Rear_Rear
F24 Spitter Valves
F25 Manual Notching
F26 Notch Up / Short Air Release
F27 Notch Down / Cab Door
F28 Rail Clank
Note: The above functions are for the LokSound 5 Decoder programmed with DCC Solutions Premium Custom Sound Installation with Light Modification (8 Outputs)
The functions and sounds will be different from any standard generic ESU Sound Files or other Sound Decoders. To learn how to use these functions, see the Info & Help page.
All functions can be reprogrammed to suit your own personal requirements.