Southern Rail Models SMR 10 Class
DCC Sound Installation
Now available with a NEW Remastered Custom Sound Project
including "Full Throttle - Heavy Load" feature

About the SMR 10 Class
The South Maitland Railway's 10 Class locomotive is a class of coal-fired, 2-8-2 Tank Steam Locomotives with a total of 14 units built for the East Greta Coal Company (later South Maitland Railway in 1918) by Beyer, Peacock and Company in Manchester, England, between 1911 and 1925. The East Greta Coal Company had constructed its railway empire based on secondhand and borrowed steam locomotives, which by 1910, were fast becoming insufficient to move the great loads coming from the Greta Seam which ran right through the South Maitland coalfield, so a new form of motive power was needed and so the 10 class was its choice.
The locomotives were delivered in knocked down form, and were assembled onsite at the East Greta Junction Workshops (also known as the 'Red Shed').
In 1911 the first 4 locomotives were delivered into service, with another 10 built between 1920 and 1925. The fourteen locomotives were numbered where they could be accommodated within the East Greta Coal Company numbering system and as a result they were numbered as follows 10, 17-20, 22-28 and 30-31.
The SMR 10 class were primarily used to haul coal trains and this remained consistent until the 1950s, when a sharp downturn in demand for coal led to certain members of the class being set aside leaving only 18,20,23,25,30 and 31 in service. With an upturn in the late 1960s, and the purchase by Coal & Allied (C&A) in 1967 of Hebburn Limited, which gave C&A 100% ownership of South Maitland Railways. It was decided to start repairing the 10 Class boilers as soon as possible for the revived traffic and bring them all back into service.
Steam on the South Maitland Railway system ended in June 1983, with 31 bringing in the last load of coal and all but four of the 10 Class were withdrawn from service, with the remaining four being withdrawn in 1987. All 14 members of the 10 Class have been preserved.
DCC with Sound and Light Modifications
The Southern Rail Models 10 Class Tank Locomotive was released in October 2017 as a DC/DCC Ready model, which includes an 21 pin socket and speaker. Some models also have operating front and read headlights and front and rear lower kerosene lamps.
A sound version were also released with an ESU LokSound SELECT OEM Sound decoder (now discontinued), which has its limitations compared to the now available full-featured LokSound 5 sound decoders.
For this installation, we recommend the ESU LokSound 5 (Sound) with our remastered Custom Sound Project for the SMR 10 Class or the LokPilot 5 (No Sound) for those not wishing sound.
DCC Solutions offer a light modification for the Southern Rail 10 Class
For models with lights, we can separate the front/rear headlights and kerosene lamps for individual control using your DCC throttle, adding to the realism of operating your SMR 10 Class.
Model Issue Update - April 2018:
Shorting issue when running through points (Turnouts)
For months now we have been installing sound into these models and until now have found no running issues during our testing on Peco Code 100 track and insulated points (Turnouts)
However, during recent extensive testing on Peco Code 83 track, the model causes a short when running through insulated points, thus shutting down the DCC System. Our investigation of this problem has revealed that the extremely wide flange-less centre wheels bridge the small gap between the rails at the frog of the point, resulting in a visible spark from the short, causing a system shutdown.
This led us back to more extensive testing on Peco Code 100 track and to our astonishment the model actually causes the same spark when running through Peco Code 100 points. So why have we not discovered this previously, well the short circuit protection device that is installed on our testing layout reads it as a low level short and allows the DCC system not to shut down as the protection device handles the short. When we turned the short circuit protection off, the model caused a DCC system shut down when running through the Code 100 point.
An issue like this should have been sorted out during Southern Rail Model's pre-production testing and now that the model is released there is nothing that can be done to the model to rectify this problem. A solution for those running this model that maybe causing this issue would be to apply some clear nail polish, liquid electrical tape or some clear stick tape over the section of track rail either side of the frog.
The DCC Solutions SMR 10 Class Custom Sound Project is packed with
sounds and features not found on other sound decoders
included the factory OEM sound from the manufacturer
so we will have your model sounding just like a real steam locomotive
So why not get fully featured sound from DCC Solutions
Our Custom Sound Project now includes these fantastic features:
Cold and Hot Start Up Sequences
Select the Cold Start Up and you will activate the cold boiler preheat long start to hear the water being pumped into the boiler, the light of a match to start the fire, the sound of the fire crackling, coal shovelling and the sounds of the pressure building up to reach the correct level before commencing to move off. Now that's something you won't hear from other sound decoders!
Select the Hot Start-Up to activate the hot boiler quick start to skip the preheat assuming the correct boiler pressure is almost reached.
Shut down your loco and the sound just doesn't stop. Steam releases and other sounds will be heard as the locomotive shuts down.
Full Throttle – Drive Hold
This feature allows you to simulate a hard-working loaded train by pressing the F1 function button. When the button is pressed, the motor will remain at a constant speed, while the sound changes into an intense chuff, so this can simulate a hard-working steam locomotive. This exciting, new feature gives the operator the ability to have the train crawling along the track while producing an intense chuff. Release the Drive Hold function button, and you simply go back to throttle-controlled speed, motion and sound. Available only from DCC Solutions, our Drive Hold will stop your loco when you reduce the speed to zero, even while the function is still active. Your ESU factory sound or sound from other providers will not stop your loco at speed step 0 with the drive hold switched on.
Coasting on Demand
This feature allows you to enter coasting mode whenever you want with a press of a button. The loco will enter the coasting mode and remain in coasting until you turn it off, regardless of changes in the speed. Experiment with turning it on and off while the loco is moving at speed to hear the sound changes of a steam locomotive when you want. With this feature, you can have your model sounding like a real steam locomotive.
Working Brake
Press the Brake Function button, and your locomotive will come to a stop at a much shorter distance than if you were to bring it to a stop by reducing the throttle speed. Release the brake and your locomotive will move off again, or choose to have it remain stationary when the brake is released. The brake can also be used while driving to slow the locomotive up.
Brake Squeal on Deceleration
Activate this function and when you reduce the throttle speed, your locomotive will begin braking and slow up quicker as you continue to lower the throttle speed, and you will hear the squeal of the brakes. Accelerating will release the brakes.
Coupling and Release with DCCS Shunting Mode
Activate coupling or release and your locomotive will automatically reduce its speed to allow for a more realistic coupling or release operation. Once the coupling operation is completed, your locomotive will automatically stop while once uncoupled will continue to run at slow speed for a few more seconds before returning to the speed set on your throttle.
Prototypical Headlight Operation
We have also modified the headlight operation to resemble the prototypical operation.
In the past you would have turned off the sound (Pressing F8) and all the sounds including the generator would stop playing, but your headlight would remain on, and you would have to turn it off separately. Well not anymore...
Press the headlight button (F0) to turn on the generator. The headlight won't turn on until enough power has been generated to turn the light on, dimmed. While the generator is on, the headlight stays on. If you press F8 to shut down and turn the loco sound off which will include the generator, then the headlight will also turn off even if you haven't turned the headlight off itself using the headlight button.
Also, added for lighting are:
Automatic High Beam Headlight Function when the locomotive begins to drive. Bring the loco to a stop, and it will return to a dim state.
Low Beam Front Headlight when reversing is also available.
Selectable high to low beam while driving.
Remastered Whistle
A new remastered 10 Class whistle that includes user selectable options
Playable with varying starts and ends to the whistle.
Three additional versions of the playable whistle
A reversing whistle
And includes all these great features to make your SMR 10 Class drive and sound impressive
Cold Boiler Start Up Sequence including boiler water fill, fire up sequence, boiler pressure reached before moving off
Optional Quick Hot Start Up Sequence - Straight to waiting for boiler pressure to be reach before moving off
Full Throttle Heavy Load - Lock the loco speed and control the chuff sound independently to simulate a hard-working locomotive
Coasting On Demand
Working Brake
Brake squeal on deceleration and turns off on acceleration
SMR 10 Class Whistle with variations including a reversing whistle
SMR 10 Class Compressor
Playable Stop Sounds including boiler/steam sounds, safety values, blower and more
Random Drive Sounds including track squeal, compressor, injectors, coal shovelling, and more
Individual Coupling and Release Options depending on the locomotive's direction with shunting mode
Water filling tender sounds
Generator controlled Headlight. The headlight is controlled by the generator sound
Automatic High Beam Headlight Function when the locomotive begins to drive and returning to a dim state at stop
Optional low beam headlight when reversing or while driving.
Guard's Whistle
Wheel Squeal and Rail Clanking
Can play up to 10 different sounds simultaneously
Sound volumes tuned to specifically suit the Southern Rail Model's 10 Class Locomotive Model
Motor settings tuned to provide Slow Speed motor performance
Individual sounds slots and master sound volumes can be adjusted by the user to suit personal requirements
Full function button remapping to suit your personal requirements
Light Modification for individual control of headlights and kerosene lamps (Optional)
Standard DCC Installation: Non-sound decoder
Premium Sound Installation: ESU LokSound 5 programmed with the DCC Solutions Custom SMR 10 Class Sound Project
Premium Sound Installation and Light Modification: ESU LokSound 5 programmed with the DCC Solutions Custom SMR 10 Class Sound Project with individual DCC control for the headlights and kerosene lamps
Factory Sound Decoder Replacement: Replace the original factory sound decoder using the ESU LokSound 5 programmed with the DCC Solutions Custom SMR 10 Class Sound Project
DCC Solutions SOUND and FUNCTION Labels
Premium Sound Installation and Light Modification using the ESU LokSound 5
F0 Headlight - FWD-Bright_REV-Off_STOP-Dim
F1 Drive Hold - Heavy Load
F2 Playable Whistle
F3 Low Beam Headlight while driving
F4 Cylinder Steam Release
F5 Coasting On Demand
F6 Brake
F7 Brake Squeal on Deceleration
F8 Boiler Start Up Sound On/Off/Mute
F9 Directional Kerosene Lights
F10 Front Kerosene Light
F11 Rear Kerosene Light
F12 Reserved (Light Mods)
F13 Headlight - FWD-Bright_REV-Dim_STOP-Dim
F14 Rear Headlight - REV-Bright_FWD-Dim_STOP-Dim
F15 Blower
F16 Compressor
F17 Coupling /Uncoupling + DCCS Shunting Mode
F18 Wheel Squeal
F19 Guard's Whistle
F20 Sanding
F21 Volume Fader - Reduces Sound 50%
F22 Front Headlight On/Off (No Generator for Silent Running)
F23 Tender Water Fill
F24 Injectors
F25 Safety Valves
F26 Coal Shovelling
F27 Shunting Mode
F28 Rail Clank
Note: The above functions are for the LokSound 5 Decoder programmed with DCC Solutions Premium Custom Sound Installation with Light Modification.
The functions and sounds will be different from any standard generic ESU Sound Files or other Sound Decoders. To learn how to use these functions, see the Info & Help page.
All functions can be reprogrammed to suit your own personal requirements.