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Wuiske Models QR 2100

DCC Sound Installation

Now available with a NEW Remastered

Custom Sound Project including the

"Full Throttle - Drive Hold" feature


The 2100 class was a class of diesel locomotives built by Clyde Engineering, Eagle Farm for Queensland Railways between 1970 and 1973.

They were built to haul coals trains on the Goonyella railway line. Because the new line had been built to a heavier standard than existing Queensland Railways lines, the 2100 class weighed in at 97.5 tonnes fully laden, an increase of six-tonne that was previously permissible. To allow them to operate over existing Queensland lines the 7,273 litre fuel tank had a compartment that could be blocked to bring their weight down to the required level.

The first 10 were financed by the developers of the Goonyella Riverside Mine, with another two purchased by Queensland Rail. Due to the mine not opening until 1971 they entered service hauling Brisbane area freight and suburban passenger services. A further 12 were purchased for the Peak Downs Mine.

In the final few months of the diesel drawn passenger service, the Capricornian;Operated between 1970 - 1989 as diesel locomotive hauled passenger service that linked Brisbane with the central Queensland city of Rockhampton; several 2100 class locomotives hauled these services. The final diesel drawn Capricornian service on 30 June 1989 was hauled by 2117 on the overnight run to Rockhampton arriving on 1 July 1989.

In the early 2000's many of the 2100 class were withdrawn from service. In September 2001 ten were sold to Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia, Chile, and one (2177) in August 2013 to South Africa. Five were transferred to Queensland Rail subsidiary Australian Railroad Group in Western Australia after being overhauled by Downer Rail at Port Pirie.

In January 2018, Wuiske Models and Haskell Co released their QR 2100 Class Locomotives which includes an 8 Pin socket for easily fitting a DCC decoder.The models are available in both HOn3½ (12mm) and HO (16.5mm) gauges.

For this installation we recommend the ESU LokSound Range of 8 Pin decoders, such as the LokSound V4.0 (Sound), LokSound Select (Sound) or LokPilot V4.0 (No Sound) for those not wishing sound.

The DCC Solutions 2100 Class Custom Sound Project packed with sounds and features!

Our Custom Sound Project has been upgraded and now includes some new features:

Full Throttle – Drive Hold

This feature allows you to simulate a loaded or empty train by pressing the F1 function button. When the button is pressed, the motor will remain at a constant speed, while the sound can be controlled independently by adjusting the speed on the throttle. This exciting, new feature gives the operator the ability to have the train crawl in notch 8 or coast at 100 km/h. Release the Drive Hold function button and you simply go back to throttle-controlled speed and motion.

Coasting on Demand

Often when coming to a stop, the throttle of a real locomotive is put into Idle and the engineer coasts to a stop. Another situation that occurs is that once a train is up to speed when operating over rolling terrain, the engineer can coast to maintain a certain speed.

Pressing F5 will activate coasting on demand to suit your running environment allowing variable speed coasting so changes in speed will not turn it off. The Coast on Demand function will still remain on until you press F5 to turn off coasting. Additional random sounds are included when coasting is activated.

Working Brake

Press the Brake Function button and your loco will come to a stop at a much shorter distance than if you were to bring the loco to a stop by reducing the speed throttle. Press the function button to release the brake and your loco will move off again.

Automatic Cold and Hot Engine Start Up

We have added cold and hot engine start ups. Pressing F8 will activate the Cold Engine Start Up the first time you start the loco. Shut the loco down by pressing F8 again. If the loco is left on a powered track the sound project will remember the shutdown sequence and the next time you press F8 to start the loco it will commence the correct sequence with a Hot Engine Start.

Also included are random pre-engine start up/shut down sequences so that your loco will not start up and shut down exactly the same every time.

Move Off and Stopping Sounds

These are all automatic sounds plus some random sounds programmed into our Custom Sound Project that are activated with the moving off and stopping of the locomotive to add to the realism.

And includes all these great features to make your 2100 Class drive and sound impressive.

  • EMD 16-645E Roots Blower Prime Mover.

  • Automatic Hot or Cold Engine Start.

  • 2100 Class Short and Long Horns.

  • Air and Brake Release Sounds when loco moves off and stops including Brake Squeal.

  • When the loco stops after braking the compressor cuts in to fill the reservoir and will turn off when the tanks are full.

  • Speed sensitive Wheel Squeal and Rail Noise when the loco moves off.

  • Full Throttle Drive Hold - Lock the loco speed and control the sound independently to simulate a heavy loaded or empty train

  • Dynamic Braking - Turn it on then reduce the throttle to active, increase the throttle to deactivate

  • Coasting On Demand

  • Working Brake.

  • Coupling and Release with brake line release

  • Stop & Drive Random Sounds including fans, compressor, rail noise, track wheel squeal, air releases

  • And more (See below for full list)

  • Light Modification - Headlights with Marker Lights Directional or On/Off operation. Numbers Boards Directional or On/Off operation.

  • Low beam/High beam Headlight.

  • Motor settings and sound volumes tuned to specifically suit the Wuiske 2100 Class Locomotive Model.

  • Slow Speed and Improved Motor Performance.

  • Modified track pick setup for improved running.

  • Full 28 function button remapping to suit your personal requirements

  • Individual master sound volumes can be adjusted by the user to suit personal requirements.

  • DCC Solutions High Performance Speaker delivering impressive sound.


Standard DCC Installation: Non sound decoder with no lighting modifications.

Standard Sound Installation: ESU Select decoder with ESU factory generic sound file

Premium Sound Installation: ESU LokSound V4.0 sound decoder with our Custom Sound Project EMD 16-645E with a roots blower to suit the Queensland Railways 2100Class Locomotive. Upgrade to our Dynamic High Performance Speaker to enhance the sounds of our Sound Project.

Here is the selection of sound and function labels using the ESU V4.0 Sound Decoder


Premium Sound Installation and Light Modification

with ESU Full Throttle Drive Hold Feature

Function                       Description

0   (HEADLIGHT)        Directional Headlights

1                              Full Throttle Drive Hold

2   (HORN)                   Long Horn

3                              Short Horn

4                              Dynamic Brakes

5                              Coasting on Demand

6                              Brake

7                              Shunting Mode/Reduces Speed 50%

8                              Prime Mover Cold/Hot Start Up/Shut Down/Mute

9                              Front Numberboards On/Off

10                              Rear Numberboards On/Off

11                              Front Headlight/Markers On/Off

12                              Rear Headlight/Markers On/Off

13                              Directional Numberboards

14                              Coupler

Function                       Description

15                              Fan

16                              Compressor

17                              Brake Squeal

18                              Wheel Squeal

19                              Reserved

20                              Five Step Volume Control (+/-)

21                              Volume Fader - Reduces Sound 50%

22                              Low Beam Headlight

23                              Manual Handbrake

24                              Sanding Valves

25                              Spitter Valves

26                              Short Air Release

27                              Front Headlight On/Off

28                              Disable Move Off and Stopping Sounds

Note: The above functions are for the LokSound V4.0 Decoder programmed with DCC Solutions Custom EMD 16-645 Roots Blower Sound Project.

Only the LokSound V4.0 decoder can be used for this type of installation. Sounds and functions will be different when using the LokSound SELECT decoder.

To learn how to use these functions see the Info & Help page. All functions can be remapped for personal preference

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